Promote and support Watershed best management practices to ensure high quality water for all users and to meet designated beneficial uses in the Provo River Watershed  


The Jordanelle Reservoir Water Quality Technical Advirosry Committee (JTAC) was formed in 1981 with the purpose of developing a reservoir managment plan for Deer Creek and Jordanelle Reservoir. JTAC was created with the representation of over twenty federal, state, and local agencies as well as private companies.

The Water Quality Management Plan for these reervoirs was finalized in 1984 and directs JTAC to conduct a water-sampling program that monitors the condition of water quality throughout the year. It also requires that the resulting data be analyzed and presented in an annual report.



Promote and support Watershed best management practices to ensure high quality water for all users and to meed designated beneficial uses in the Provo River Watershed.



  • Promote awareness and education about watershed issues.
  • Provide a forum for information exchange, analysis and debate of issues to promote collaborative, consensus-based decision making and planning.
  • Enhance stakeholder partnerships and respect local social and cultural values.
  • Monitor and document water quality trends.
  • Maximize communication, relationships and partnerships among
  • Encourage a sustainable, watershed level, ecosystem approach to planning and activities.



To Contact us
Dave Wham
Watershed Coordinator
c/o Utah Division of Water Quality
Phone: 801.538.6000

Provo River